
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Day 97 - Miracle Morning Life "S.A.V.E.R.S"

Start off your days focusing on you! One of the consistent things that almost all successful people do is get up early. I know - we're all exhausted but it is so useful to spend the first hour or two of every day focusing on yourself before the rest of the world creeps into your day. If you are anything like me, you tend to give to others to the point of depletion of self.  This isn't a healthy trait and the following practices can help you to pause the world so that you take care of you too. Think about how airlines tell you: "In case of emergency, put your oxygen mask on first before putting them on your child or anyone next to you". This is because you can't help others if you are gasping for air. Fill your own pitcher before pouring into others so that you don't end up on empty.

I've been reading a book called The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. Hal teaches a morning routine that includes Life "S.A.V.E.R.S."that I've been slowly implementing:
  • S = Silence - Meditation/Prayer
  • A = Affirmations
  • V = Visualization
  • E = Exercise
  • R = Read
  • S = Scribe/Journaling

S is for Silence - Meditation/Prayer
Tufts to sit on for Mediation
So about a month ago, I began meditating, which honestly at first I thought wouldn't do a damned thing. LOL! My initial motivation for doing this was because I discovered that I would gain points in the Wellness Program at work, which would reduce the cost of my benefits this year and next.  I really have been reviewing my financial goals to find ways to cut back even more and well, benefits are super expensive.

I began using an app on my phone called Calm, which can also track things in Google Fit, that our Wellness Program, ran by Vitality, will auto track towards my points. But the crazy thing is...that 10 minutes has helped me immensely to quiet my mind, which can often be like a web browser with 72 tabs open at once! When I first started this, I did it at night but I've discovered that mornings are key. I usually wake up to find my mind racing with my internal To Do List and my body literally has a physical reaction to that stress.  By spending 10 minutes in meditation, it has helped me calm and recenter.

During my mornings, I also pray. This is where I thank God for the blessings I have received and pray for those whom I know are struggling or who I feel could use God's grace. Afterwards, I expand on that time by beginning my Scripture journaling. I use the SOAP acronym which stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer, but you can use others such as POWER (Pray, Observe, Write, Envision and Respond) or WORD (Write, Observe, Relate, Declare).

A is for Affirmations 
I'm a strong believer in saying affirmations to change the internal negative self-talk we all seem to have. My mornings usually start with the thought of "UGH!" I now lay in bed for a few extra moments in the morning and force myself to change what my brain was saying.  I tell myself "Today is going to be a great day. I'm strong. I'm happy. There's nothing I can't accomplish."

Michael Hyatt, formerly the chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, offers 3 suggestions to make the shift from negativity to positive statements.  
  1. Become aware of the words you’re using. 
  2. Start using "get to" rather than "have to".  
  3. Notice the difference it makes in your attitude as you come from a place of gratitude rather than a place of dread or resentment. 
I even write affirmations on my bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker. Currently my mirror says, "I am enough. Fortune favors the bold. God has a plan for you! You are loved!" I'm working to reinforce positivity everywhere I can.

V is for Visualization
I started a vision board last year, which is a cork board that hangs over my desk in my home office. A vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. If you've ever read the Law of Attraction, this probably seems very familiar to you. This is to help you focus and visualize the changes or items you wish to have more of in your life.

E is for Exercise
This is pretty self evident.  I'll talk about my Keto diet and 5x5 Strength training in a separate post. I definitely need to incorporate more of this into my life.

R is for Read
As you can see, I keep a running list of books I want to read or have read on my blog.  I think it is important to read, especially as we get older, to keep our mind engaged and focused.  Plus I feel like life should be a continuous learning experience.  It's what prevents us from getting stagnant.

S is Scribe/Journaling
I'm a Planner Junkie so I'll do a separate post some time to review the Traveler's Notebooks I use for this.

So there you have it!  The Miracle Morning.  How do you start your days?  Have you read the book?  What things do you think you could incorporate that would work for you?

#100DaysToGreat #FinishingStrong


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